Category Archives: Uncategorized

New email subscription feature added

Subscribe to be notified of new posts If you’ve followed Living LEAF for any length of time, you know that I don’t update frequently. There are many media sites that will give you all of the day-to-day breaking news in … Continue reading

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Please don’t put your feet on the dash

It’s not worth it Recently I was driving from San Diego to Yuma. These long freeway drives can be boring, especially for those driving even longer distances. In an effort to get more comfortable as a passenger sometimes it might … Continue reading

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The Second Amendment, when read as written, guarantees a well regulated Militia (not the right to bear…

The Second Amendment, when read as written, guarantees a well regulated Militia (not the right to bear arms as most believe). The Second Amendment reads as follows when read properly, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of … Continue reading

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Other symptoms of a heart attack

Please don’t ignore these signs A good friend of mine died earlier this week. I am 57. He was younger than me. I have known Joel long enough that we had developed the ability to know what the other was … Continue reading

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Oh… my… goodness…

I shouldn’t let myself loose behind the curtain… EDIT 8/11/12: We’ve got our look back, but we’re still working on the details. Look for our next LEAF post sometime today.  The site certainly doesn’t look the way that it should, … Continue reading

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Happy Earth Day 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 But wait, we hear you saying, that was last weekend! Yeah… I guess we missed it. Not that we didn’t know about it. Earth Day was in the mainstream media, on the radio, on television… pretty … Continue reading

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