New email subscription feature added

Subscribe to be notified of new posts

If you’ve followed Living LEAF for any length of time, you know that I don’t update frequently. There are many media sites that will give you all of the day-to-day breaking news in the EV segment. Living LEAF is not one of those sites. I established Living LEAF in 2010 as a site to help others learn about this still new and rapidly changing segment of the auto industry. From looking at how visitors view this site, and which pages they read, the vast majority of my readership comes from people doing research about buying a LEAF or other electric car, or researching some aspect of its ownership experience once they have one. My approach is one of analysis and opinion rather than strictly news. I have also written a primer on electric cars that is in the process of being updated. Because of this irregular update cycle I have been asked to provide an email subscription service that will allow you to be notified when I post a new article. I am pleased to announce that I now have that capability. In the right-hand sidebar is a widget titled, appropriately enough, “Subscribe for email notification of new posts!” Pop in your name, email address, hit the submit button, and you’re good to go. I’ll probably have to put some privacy page up soon, but you can be sure that I won’t sell your data, or use it for anything other than this intended purpose.

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