LEAF provides lowest price per MPG – LA Times

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 EV MPGe is cheaper than gas MPG

Looking for the best cost per MPG? Look no further than the LEAF that you may already be driving, according to the Los Angeles Times.

We’re not sure how we missed this, but back in March the LA Times asked Edmunds.com, a consumer automotive research site, to research their database for the lowest sticker price per fuel economy rating. Simple – divide cost by MPG. But if you read the article (found here), you won’t find the LEAF listed at the top. The Times did not include electric cars in the list, but added them to a note at the bottom of the article. If electric cars were included, the LEAF would be number one with the Honda Fit EV number two.

The least expensive gasoline car to drive would be the Ford C-Max Energi, followed by the Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid. No diesel vehicles made the list, due to the higher cost associated with the better fuel economy.

The interesting part to us is the acquisition cost difference between the LEAF and the Ford C-Max Energi. The Ford costs $329.50 for each MPG, the Prius $336.84. The LEAF comes in at $245.32 per MPGe (MPG equivalent). We are big fans of calculating percentage differences. Looked at this way, the Ford MPG costs over 34 percent more than the LEAF MPGe. Yet another way that the LEAF pencils out positively. When looking at total cost of ownership as opposed to cost of purchase alone, electric vehicles (EVs) fare very well. Should you choose to lease rather than purchase, cost of operation becomes significantly more favorable with an EV.

Finally, why is MPG or MPGe so important? It is typically the single highest operating expense of your vehicle. Think about that next time you go car shopping.

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