IHRA to promote EV drag racing
The International Hot Rod Association (IHRA), the second largest drag racing sanctioning body in the United States, and the largest in Canada, has accepted electric cars and motorcycles into their ranks, according to the National Electric Drag Racing Association.
The National Hot Rod Association had created classes for electric drag cars and motorcycles several years ago, but this new opportunity will create more electric vehicle (EV) awareness, and open up the electric drag racing arena to many areas that haven’t yet seen it.
As long-time readers know, at heart we are automotive enthusiasts first and electric vehicle enthusiasts second. Performance is not only about speed, but also about safety. One of our consistent positions has always been that the very best safety protection available to a driver is the ability to avoid an accident, rather than having all of the safety systems in place after an accident has already occurred. The ability to accelerate, brake and corner has always been of great concern to us – not only to have fun but to provide active (pre-collision) rather than passive (post-collision) safety.
If you are relatively new to Living LEAF, you may want to check out this video about one of the fastest street legal electric drag cars in the country. If you don’t wish to watch the video, the car is wicked fast – 10.258 second quarter mile time at 123.79 miles per hour. Not bad for a door slammer!