Category Archives: LEAF Information

Free Advance Reader Copy of The Electric Car

Update: This offer has now expired. Thanks to all of you who requested the advance reader copy. Look for ebook publication on Amazon soon. With National Drive Electric Week almost upon us, what better time than now to publish my … Continue reading

Posted in Is the Nissan LEAF right for me?, LEAF 101, LEAF Information | Leave a comment

Innovative use of used EV batteries

FreeWire Technologies develops mobile EV charging One concern of the relatively new EV industry is what is going to be done with used EV batteries. California based FreeWire Technologies, one of hopefully many more to come, has a creative solution. … Continue reading

Posted in Battery/Charging Experience, Charging Infrastructure, Industry News, LEAF Information, LEAF Ownership | Leave a comment

Stopgap larger battery 2016 LEAF due this fall

2016 LEAF to bridge gap to LEAF 2.0 [UPDATE 6/13/2015] I have confirmation that Nissan’s upper two trim levels will use the new technology battery cells in the current battery modules. Nissan will not confirm the range, but it’s a … Continue reading

Posted in Battery/Charging Experience, Driving Range, Industry News, Is the Nissan LEAF right for me?, LEAF 101, LEAF Ownership, Production | 2 Comments

Look for Monster Tajima at Pike’s Peak in Rimac electric race car

Potential record setting combination I’ve written about Rimac before (found here). Founded five years ago, Rimac hasn’t run out of money yet, and they build a wicked fast electric vehicle (EV) concept. Now, according to their new YouTube video (found … Continue reading

Posted in Fun!, LEAF Information, Other EVs | Leave a comment

Tennessee, Connecticut offer EV incentives

States encourage EV ownership Connecticut EV buyers will for the first time qualify for rebates up to $3,000. Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell and Toyota Mirai will also qualify for the maximum rebate. Hybrids or EVs with a seven to eighteen … Continue reading

Posted in Incentives, Industry News, Is the Nissan LEAF right for me?, LEAF 101, LEAF Acquisition, LEAF Information, Other EVs | Leave a comment

The Electric Car book

Looking for beta readers for my new electric car book I have just completed my new e-book The Electric Car – Is an Electric Car Right for You? After fretting over it for the past four years, I think it’s … Continue reading

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