Nissan LEAF customer production begins!

LEAF Job One

First Nissan LEAF to roll off the assembly line in Oppama, Japan

No time to put an image up, as we just found out about this (darn things like real jobs!). If you wish to watch a live video feed of the first LEAF to roll off of the assembly line, you may watch it here. This video feed was live as of 7:30PM Pacific Daylight Time.

Update: October 21, 8:20PM Pacific Daylight Time

The video feed was choppy, the majority of the presentation was in Japanese, and we missed a significant amount of the ceremony due to the poor transmission. But we are still glad that we saw what we did.

The Nissan LEAF is the first mass produced, potentially high volume, reasonably affordable electric car on the market. We have made a variation of this statement before. But now that Job One has rolled off of the assembly line in Japan, there is a sense of tangibleness that did not exist prior to this.

Nissan will certainly retain Job One, possibly one of the most significant products in Nissan history, as a monument to everything that has gone before to bring this vehicle to fruition.

This event marks a milestone not only for Nissan, nor just the automotive industry. The production of LEAF will hopefully open the floodgates of all manufacturers, whatever their industry, to recognize the impact that they may bring to society for the betterment of us all – no matter the country of our origin or our place in that society.

To view an archive of the video, Nissan will make it available via their Zero Emission web site.

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1 Response to Nissan LEAF customer production begins!

  1. Pingback: Nissan LEAF production and delivery process – firsthand — Living LEAF

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